(760) 458-4993

Dr. Roy Vartabedian


Dr. Roy Vartabedian is a specialist in Clinical Preventive Care and  holds a Doctor of Public Health degree from Loma Linda University, and  Master of Public Health degrees in Health Education and Nutrition. He is  founder and President of Vartabedian & Associates Designs for  Wellness, and has worked in the field of health promotion and disease  prevention for over 30 years, with patients, managing programs,  consulting, and speaking throughout the U.S., Canada, Australia and New  Zealand. His landmark publication, Nutripoints, a New York Times  Best-Seller, has been used in a total of 13 countries in 10 languages  worldwide.


V & A Designs for Wellness providesseminars and consulting in the areas of:


  • individualized optimal nutrition
  • food/recipe nutrition analysis
  • personal and corporate wellness
  • executive health/longevity
  • public health promotion
  • comprehensive health/longevity programs
  • publishing in the areas of nutrition, fitness, wellness,  sports, personal and spiritual development.


  • Leading international authority in the fields of Nutrition, Longevity, Anti-Aging.
  • Expert in nutritional analysis of foods and supplements.
  • Experienced media personality on topics of best and worst  foods for good health and longevity, nutrition density of foods,  motivation for lifestyle changes.
  • Top consultant in areas of nutrition, wellness, and weight loss program development.

3 Weight Loss Success Tips