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Nutripoints: Healthy Eating Made Simple!

Nutripoints BookNutripoints: New York Times Best Seller

Want to eat healthier

Feel confused about nutrition

Do you struggle reading food labels

Now one number tells you everything you need to know about a food.

The Nutripoints™ Program for Optimal Nutrition is the ultimate guide to simple, healthy eating. No more counting calories, protein, carbs, fats, cholesterol, sodium,  sugar, vitamins, minerals…all that work has been done for you, and put into one number—the Nutripoint score. The higher the score, the higher its nutritional value. Based on nutrient density, and created by Dr. Roy E. Vartabedian while at the world-famous Cooper Clinic in Dallas, no other plan is easier or healthier.

As Seen On: 

Nutripoints has been used in 13 countries worldwide for over 20 years and featured on NBC, The Today Show, Live with Regis, Everyday with Joan Lunden, and in The New York Times, The Dallas Morning News, Ladies Home Journal, Elle Magazine, Newsday, Los Angeles Magazine, The Hollywood Reporter, and many others.

Here’s a sample of what Nutripoints can do for you:

  • Rates your present diet on a scale of 0 to 100 to see where you stand.
  • Helps you “upgrade” your diet and triple or quadruple your nutritional intake.
  • Helps you lose fat-weight naturally by picking the highest-rated foods you love.
  • Helps you “recover” nutritionally after a bad day.
  • Helps you use seven ways to fight cancer nutritionally.
  • Shows you foods with negative nutritional scores you should desperately avoid.
  • Shows you the best foods from the healthiest fast-food chains.
  • Identifies fruits that are 2-6 times more nutritious than an apple.
  • Tells you the best vegetable in the world–packed with nutrition,
    but virtually no calories.
  • Rates 3600+ foods: basic, brand name, and fast foods.


Get Started with Nutripoints Today!

It is the only system I know where you can actually compare how foods stack up against each other nutritionally while at the same time losing weight and eating better. Nutripoints is unique in that it can work well with almost any other diet program while also being able to stand alone as a complete nutritional dietary approach. Using Nutripoints as my guide, I safely and effectively shed 80 pounds, while maintaining optimal nutrition. Thanks to the positive and healthy approach of Nutripoints, I am once again the same weight and size that I was in college – 20 years later! 

S. Anderson., New Jersey

My family and I started using Nutripoints 2 years ago and were so excited when the new Nutripoints book came out. The point system makes choosing healthy foods so easy – even my kids are counting their points. We strive to get over 100 points daily, which makes turning down a big dessert at the end of the day easier! We don’t like having to subtract points. We were big dessert eaters, but have traded in cake and ice cream for a bowl of strawberries with lemon yogurt. High cholesterol is a problem in my family, but recently I had a great check up. My good cholesterol is high and bad cholesterol very low. My doctor also reported that my blood work results were very positive. Thank you, Dr.Vartabedian, for such a great tool to help us stay healthy! 

Jill Honer, Corpus Christi, Texas

I am hooked on the Nutripoints Program! Thank you for your inspiration to start a healthful, safe, and permanent eating plan.

R.R., North York, Ontario

It is fascinating, positive, and addictive. So several of us are about to get compulsive about counting Nutripoints! Thank you. 

E.M.D., Dallas, Texas

I’ve been on your Nutripoints Program for about 3 weeks and I am surprised at the extra energy it has developed; I’m 73. Nutripoints has become a daily reference work in our home.

J.L.J., Allen Park, Michigan

I have been on your program for 6 weeks and feel great. Before I started I didn’t have much energy and felt twice my age. Thanks for saving my life! 

M.H., Renton, Washington

I have enjoyed your program and keep the book with me at all times. I have lost 50 pounds and finally feel that I am getting a balanced diet. I teach 6th grade and use your information in class.

R.R., Inman, South Carolina

The Nutripoints Program seems to be exactly what I need to have a healthy lifestyle. I hate the thought of counting calories, mainly because I never felt I was getting the proper combinations of foods. Nutripoints makes counting so easy, maybe some day products will be labeled with Nutripoints! 

B.M, Indianapolis, Indiana