(760) 458-4993

Your Body Speaks–Your Body Heals


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Quantity Discount Your Body Speaks--Your Body Heals 5 - 9 $11.95 as price per unit
Quantity Discount Your Body Speaks--Your Body Heals 20 - 100 $9.95 as price per unit


A New Dimension in Nutritional Healing

Listen to your body speak…and learn to guide the healing power within.

–Recognize your body’s symptomatic expressions
–Structure foundational formulas for energetic and physical imbalances using common foods and herbs
–Foundational system of healing for doctors, health practitioners and layperson synthesizing Eastern and western Medicine
–How Juice Plus+ can provide balanced base support for all therapies

Table of Contents


Chapter 1
Environmental Causes of Disease

Chapter 2
Detoxification: The First Step

Chapter 3
Creating Foundational Formulas for Healing

Chapter 4
Juice Plus+: How It Enhances Health and
Supports Healing

Chapter 5
Juice Plus+ Vineyard Blend: Why It Works

Chapter 6
Help for Hormonal Difficulties: Men and Women

Chapter 7
Why Supplements Work or Don’t Work

Get Smart Supplements

Paperback 6″ x 9″ 128 pages.
Copyright October, 2009

Additional volume discounts for 25 or more copies are available. Please call 760-458-4993 to place these orders.