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More Fuel for the Winning Edge Booklet


Name Range Discount
Quantity Discount More Fuel for the Winning Edge 2 - 4 $8.95 as price per unit
Quantity Discount More Fuel for the Winning Edge 5 - 9 $7.95 as price per unit
Quantity Discount More Fuel for the Winning Edge 10 - 100 $6.95 as price per unit


First Jack Medina and Dr. Roy Vartabedian wrote: “The Winning Edge: Fueling & Training the Body for Peak Performance.” Now, power up with “More Fuel for the Winning Edge” packed with more tips on nutrition and training for athletes and people with active lifestyles. Here are the 23 topics covered in the new (Revised April/2008) 75-page booklet:

–Energy drinks: What you need to know
–What you should know about steroids
–What’s new on creatine?
–Risky dietary supplements
–Herbal supplements & sports performance
–Amino acids, proteins & exercise performance
–Does a 15 year old boy need a protein supplement to gain muscle?
–Can vitamin supplements improve sports performance?
–NCAA position on dietary supplements
–The high-protein/low carb diet: Another approach
–What you need to know about protein
–What you need to know about carbohydrates
–Carbohydrates and exercise performance
–Fueling the body for peak performance with Nutripoints
–Anti-oxidants and free radicals
–A new concept in nutrition
–How I got my kids to eat broccoli
–Whole foods vs. vitamins and minerals in cancer prevention
–What to tell athletes and coaches about Juice Plus+
–A letter to coaches
–The importance of muscle fiber types in resistive exercise program design
–Can you pass the test on low back pain?
–10 tips for managing stress

These booklets are great for educating athletes, coaches, and active individuals–clearing up confusing myths and giving accurate scientific information in an easy-to-read format.

This product is shipped via U.S. First Class Mail from California. Volume orders are shipped via FedEx Ground.